Filing a Complaint

Please use the buttons below to view instructional videos for how to file a complaint:

Mail Complaint Information to:

Board’s Mailing Address:          
701 Exposition Place, Ste 206
Raleigh, NC 27615

Upload a signed video complaint:

Once a video complaint is uploaded it will be transcribed.  This transcription will be sent to you to be reviewed for accuracy and must be signed.  This review and approval via signature must take place before the  Board can pursue any investigation.  Submitted videos must include the following contact information, your name, mailing address, and phone number.

Upload files

Before Filing a Complaint:

Try approaching the interpreter and sharing your concerns. Often, this will resolve the situation. Consider expressing your concerns to his or her supervisor or the person responsible for contracting or arranging the interpreter. If you have exhausted all avenues of conflict resolution, you should then consider filing a complaint with the North Carolina Interpreter and Transliterator Licensing Board.

Time Frame for Filing a Complaint:

A complaint should be received within 90 days of the alleged violation. The 90‐day filing limit applies to when the alleged violation(s) occurred, which is not necessarily the time of the actual interpreting.

All complaints must be submitted in writing via email or mail to:

The North Carolina Interpreter and Transliterator Licensing Board
701 Exposition Place, Ste 206, Raleigh, NC 27615
[email protected]

Complaint Requirements:

A complaint:
•Should be based on the possible violation of the North Carolina statutes or rules (which includes the NAD‐RID Code of Professional Conduct) regarding sign language interpreters.
•Should be filed due to an incident related to the provision of interpreting services.
•Should describe an incident that occurred after the interpreter’s services were contracted through a verbal or written agreement and may involve paid or volunteer interpreter service.
•May be filed as a result of the contracted interpreter’s conduct prior to, during, or after an interpreting assignment.
•May be filed by a person who has direct knowledge, or a credible source who has indirect knowledge or involvement in the interpreting situation in which the alleged violation occurred.
• May be filed against any individual who provided interpreting services, whether licensed or not, in the state of North Carolina at the time of the alleged violation.

Structure of a Complaint:

A person filing a complaint should include all of the necessary information, including but not limited to:
•The name of the person filing the complaint (the complainant).
•Name of the person (interpreter) being reported.
•When and where did it happen? Provide the date when it happened and the specific location/circumstances. (e.g.: physical location: address, building, or complex, and circumstances: workshop, medical setting, court, classroom).
•What happened? Provide as much detail as possible about the incident that initiated the complaint. Include the name of the client, or names of persons in attendance who may have been a witnesses, include what you observed or learned that lead you to file a complaint.
• Include a summary of other actions, if any, taken to resolve this matter prior to filing a complaint.

These instructions were adopted in part from the Ethical Practices System of the RID, Inc. (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf) Rev. 12‐2012